Monday, October 25, 2010

An Unscientific List

Around the web, there is an amalgam of sites for pets, people, pols, and more. Here are a featured few sites are worth taking a look at...

Independent Thinker puppy treat Acne Breakout Cream paw licking cat mice dog flatulence zen dog dog boots dog stool McCain supporter Local Republicans Circle web purple shift Broad Side New Hampshire Independent

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Islam in the Media

Islam: It's Perception in the Media and In the Public takes a look at how poor reporting and snap judgments are fanning the flames of an already sensitive issue. The following is an excerpt...

"Since the controversy about the potential for a mosque to be built at Ground Zero there has been a noticeable difference between the media's view of what Islam is, and the public's view of what Islam is. It is an odd situation where neither one is completely right or wrong. What Islam is, could never be summed up in a blog post, but that does seem to be precisely what is being missed in this debate. 100 people of the same faith could all practice and interpret their faith very differently. A significant cause of much of the friction and controversy is that people aren't accounting for this. However, the lack of a full and honest discussion on this topic may be causing the most trouble.

The media has not adequately done their job. They often either play down or ignores elements of Islam or the Muslim culture the Americans find rightfully disturbing. We have been attacked in the name of Islam, and certainly it isn't fair to connect all Muslims with that act, but it can't be ignored that the religion has been used numerous times as a justification for violence. Also, women are not only not treated as equals in many Muslim countries, but are often treated very poorly. Again, that doesn't apply to all Muslims, but ignoring and not reporting on these two glaring problems is not objective journalism. When news organizations do this they are clearly advocating and not reporting, and the American people are smart enough to know the difference..."

Continue Reading Islam: It's Perception in the Media and In the Public

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

BP The Only Voice

"Whenever a BP ad comes on TV my reaction is the same - ’Seriously?’ Obviously BP is in need of some serious PR repair, and of course they’re trying to improve their image after the Gulf spill. However, BP’s claims that they are going to make things right, and that they are out searching for the spilled oil, rings hollow. Saying that they are having trouble finding oil to clean up is absurd, and rather insulting to the viewer’s intelligence. The only way they could be having trouble finding oil to clean up is if Mr. Magoo is their chief ‘oil finder.’ By the way, I can’t be the only one who remembers the pre-Gulf-spill commercials about BP standing for ‘Beyond Petrolium,’ and how they billed themselves as the earth-friendly energy company. Their credibility is shot, and they ought to consider that before making any more commercials. If they want the public to believe they have cleaned up their mess, and are doing the ‘right thing,’ then they need to bring in some one or some group that is independent and impartial to report on these claims..."

Continue reading Anyone Else Find BP's Ads Insulting?